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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Jersey Switch?

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Just tuned into the Tor At Pit game online.. and Pit is wearing their Whites, and the leafs are in their Darks. Did I miss something?

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I have noticed that too. It seems very speratic (spelling?) but i dont believe they have officially changed back to the old way of white is home and dark is away

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When the Pens played in Toronto, they switched for that game and the Pens wore their darks up in TO.. The Leafs just returned the favor to the Pens, gives the fans something different to look at once in awhile.. I can't wait for the return of the third jerseys..

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I think they do it for back to back road games so as to not rush the equipment guys to do laundry in the arena they're visiting.

Game 1 road jersies, get everything packed away and on the bus.

Game 2 home jersies, was the gross stuff from last night during the game or keep it packed depending on the upcoming schedule.

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