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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Swapping Holders

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I just got T-Blades put on and I just got a new set of holders (to have as a spare in case one were to break) and I want to swap them out for the ones on now (the new ones I have are black and I like them better than the whites I have on now).

My question is could I swap them out myself? My local hockey store charges 35 bucks for the swap and it'd be nice if I could save some cash and do it myself. And if I could, what tool would I need? Thanks.

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Assuming that the T-blades are attatched with rivets, unless you have your own rivet machine, you are out of luck. I don't know if you bought the skates(Graf?) with the T-blades as the stock holder. If they are attatched with Graf hardware which is a simple nut and bolt, you might be able to do it yourself(I have no idea if graf uses rivets or their normal hardware to attatch T-blades to skates).

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I mounted an inline chassis to a pair of Pure Fly's using #8 machine screws and T-nuts but unless your good with tools and pretty confident that you can pull it off I'd leave it to the pro's.



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i learned how to do them so i did mine myself. i had the same guy do mine for years. it is not easy to do and requires alot of equipment to make it much easier. i would reccomend leaving it up to your lhs to do it. we charge 25 to put em on. which is the cheapest place that i have heard of. god luck!

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Definitely not something you want to do yourself. Seems easy to do but it isn't. The holder needs to be straight and centered. Even if you're off by a little bit you'll notice when you skate on them.

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I mounted an inline chassis to a pair of Pure Fly's using #8 machine screws and T-nuts but unless your good with tools and pretty confident that you can pull it off I'd leave it to the pro's.

Stupid question: did you have to expand the rivet holes to use the #8 T-nuts? I'm using #6 to hold my boots to goalie cowlings, and they are just a little flimsier than I'd like. They're also zinc-plated, and starting to rust; #8 is the smallest you can find in stainless.

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Yes. The #8 screws are a little bigger than the rivet holes. In the case of the inline chassis I had to drill all new holes because the rivet holes were miles away from where I needed them.

I've used the #8 screws (with regular hex nuts) to replace loose rivets in the past and only had to enlarge the holes slightly. I used a long skinny round file that I had in my box. If you wanna use the T-nuts your gonna have to drill but it's a much cleaner installation and much stronger because the shank of the T-nut reinforces the hole.

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