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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Need some ideas

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alright so for my moving image arts class I have to make a 5-7 minute movie about watever I want, but I'm having big trouble thinking of ideas and that's where you come in I was just wondering if anyone could help me with a few ideas maybe we could throw some ideas together, anything at all, it just has to be do-able, I'm really having alot of trouble coming up with ideas and that's the only reason im asking on here. Last year I made a movie about an iPod that stop time and all this other shit and I got a b (for a movie about an iPod?). So any help would be gratefully appreciated. Thanks

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When ever I am given a project like this one the idea will come to me at some point usually. When I took a class like this in high school if I couldn't think of an idea I would cut to a song. The song usually was instrumental and just a beat. You can do anything with those ie: skate video, self portrait, day in the life, documentary, chase scene. Or you can completely go the less artsy way and make something about drugs and people getting killed. Good Luck.

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When ever I am given a project like this one the idea will come to me at some point usually. When I took a class like this in high school if I couldn't think of an idea I would cut to a song. The song usually was instrumental and just a beat. You can do anything with those ie: skate video, self portrait, day in the life, documentary, chase scene. Or you can completely go the less artsy way and make something about drugs and people getting killed. Good Luck.

thanks for the advice, hopefully i can get some down in a shotlist

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