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How to tie a tie?

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I have a very important FBLA competition tomorrow and need to dress very professional, The problem is I dont know how to tie a tie. I have looked all over the internet and found a couple good sites and even looked at video's but none of them really came out right. I think im looking for a Windsor knot or something professional and classy. So if anyone can help me, that would be amazing.

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how big of a knot is it supporse to be? Mine keeps looking huge and the thin end is longer then the thick end. AHH what the hell. this is confusing.

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I'm guessing you don't have a father around to show you or something because that'd be a lot easier than trying from something online. I've been wearing a tie since age six and it's just easier showing someone rather than telling them.

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I'm guessing you don't have a father around to show you or something because that'd be a lot easier than trying from something online. I've been wearing a tie since age six and it's just easier showing someone rather than telling them.

I finally decided to man up and learn how to do it. My Dad doesn't even know how to do ti...Mom tied all of our ties (4 boys + Dad) when we had to dress up for something when we were kids. To this day...I have ties in my closet still tied. I undid them all and found some good websites and have a fairly decent half Windsor now....

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I can't do a full windsor properly no matter what, but the good news is you

can do one of the lazier knots. Won't be a problem, just experiment inventing your own and you'll stumble across one that is right, lol.

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There's no singular way to wear a tie. Wear a tie according to its material and the collar of the shirt you'll be wearing. Nothing looks worse than a tie with a knot too thin for the shirt and vice versa.

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