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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RazorBladz 2 steel fit in RazorBladz holders?

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Will steel from Easton's RazorBladz 2 holders fit in RazorBladz holders? I ran a search but I'm not clear after reading the results...

I have a pair of Z-Air Comps that have a broken holder. They are pretty worn and I'd rather not invest much money in them at this point. I have a pair of RazorBladz holders that I could have installed. They look like they should fit and it seems the steel will fit, but the LHS tech is telling me the steel from RazorBladz 2 holders won't fit in the RazorBladz holders. Is he right?

If the RazorBladz holders won't fit, would a pair of Comp+ 296 holders fit on my 10.5 Eastons? They have 288 holders on them now.

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I not sure but personally transfering from older models of holders is pretty tough. I think u would be better off buying new holderz like another pair of razorbladz2 (i have them)

I'm not understanding you. What is tough about using an older holder? If I have to buy new holders, these skates are likely going in the trash and I'm getting a new pair.

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