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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Wheel bags

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I for one, used to knock wheeled bags. Then I picked up the ShockDoctor bag/blower... I got the LARGE one too so I could dry my stuff after each use. I live in a finished attic apartment, so I have 2 flights of stairs to manuver the bag through, and I must say- the wheels have been a savior in tight squeezes. In the open, I sling the bag over my shoulder... but in the halls of the rink, or worming through other's guys bags I'll wheel it on by.

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I'll also add, the plastic runners on the bottom of the bag also help in sliding it up/down stairs with minimal noise. Especially my carpeted stairs..

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That Shock Dr bag is same my kid likes Anthony, its deep as Hockeymom (HI!) mentioned works well. My kid carries it for most part, especially from arena doors in where people see him :D

The 2 wide straps work well when he wants to carry it old school style as a backpack. Not team coloured/logo'd but he improvised with an insert in the plastic sleeve-great bag.

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Well considering all wheel bags I have seen come with a shoulder strap, I would guess they serve as multi-functional. I carry it on my shoulder in open spaces, as I'm accustomed to... unless I'm just flat out being lazy. Otherwise, I only wheel through tight spots, narrow ways.

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Yep, good for tight spots or incredibly long walks. Our home rink is a 6 pad-not enough parking! Every pad is always full weekday evenings and 6am-10pm weekends, so I often have to park in an overflow commuter lot over a mile away. Dads take the bags or kids wheel them, but get close to doors and boys carry their own :) or are subjected to "nice wheels Nancy" comments from teamates...the boys also climb aboard teamates bags being wheeled.

We have a 6 pad, 3 pad and an old single, population 110,000....rinks always full!

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