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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Fight at Sens Practice

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haha right after wrist surgery, this guy never ceases to amaze me...and they both took boxing lessons together

Maybe McGrattan is trying to help Emery out by knocking some sense into him.

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Emery definitely brings an edge to the team...although sometimes its a bit excessive to say the least...Gratz said he would rank Emery in the top 5 fighters in the league haha
Emery is a fucking lunatic.

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Is it just me or does it look like Emery is trying to make himself "untradeable" with all his recent stuff?

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s it just me or does it look like Emery is trying to make himself "untradeable" with all his recent stuff?

I can't picture Emery thinking his actions through far enough to be this manipulative but who knows. I pity the Sens, I really do. There they are, miles from the competition in points, just waiting for the playoffs to begin and each of them obviously losing sleep over their goaltending issues. Specifically the possibility of getting lit up in the playoffs every night and having to beat buffalo et al 6-5 every game.

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Emery definitely brings an edge to the team...although sometimes its a bit excessive to say the least...Gratz said he would rank Emery in the top 5 fighters in the league haha
Emery is a fucking lunatic.

Everytime I think Emery is getting into shape, he does something even more insane and loses all sanity/credibility. All I can say is, Senators fans, be happy you have Gerber.

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