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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Unusual Dolomite Graphics

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Just recieved my new sticks. One of them is a pro-stock Dolomite shaft from HM and the other is a one-piece Dolo I picked up from Demon Xtreme in England.

When I opened the package for the 1-piece Dolo I was quite suprised by the graphics as they are unlike any I have either seen before.

(Top: Dolo from HM, Bottom: Dolo from DX)


(Top: Dolo from HM, Bottom: Dolo from DX)


(Top: Dolo from HM, Bottom: Dolo from DX)


(Left: Dolo from DX Right: Dolo from HM,)


Anyone ever seen these graphics before? Is it an old model? A newer model? Different paint job for Europe?

Tbh I'm not worried about how it looks, it feels like a Dolo and thats the most important thing, just curious about why the 2 are different.


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Yes those are the graphics for the 2008 dolomites... you see them every where in the nhl. Do you mind posting pics of the whole stick in one picture, thanks


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cant believe u payed demon xtreme prices when u could have got one off HM at the same time as ur shaft

HM won't ship Warrior outside the US, I bought the shaft from TBLfan. I ordered the 1-piece from Demon Xtreme on boxing day as I was in desperate need of a new twig but it only turned up today.

But yeah, DX prices are ridiculous but its getting to a stage where most of the US based stores won't ship any of the products I want so its either pay more, or wait and try and pick up a bargain on here.

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when did they stop shipping warrior aswell? i thought when they stopped easton it was devastating. bring on members+ is it simply a post thing or posts combined with content to obviously stop people spamming?

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