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NHL Center Ice Feed

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Sorry if this was already posted, I searched and couldn't find anything. Does anyone know how NHL Center Ice determines what feed gets shown. Is it always the home team, always the away team, or some combination?


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Sorry if this was already posted, I searched and couldn't find anything. Does anyone know how NHL Center Ice determines what feed gets shown. Is it always the home team, always the away team, or some combination?


Seems random at best. Wish there was a better answer, but there seems to be no rhyme or reason for who gets the feed.

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For some reason or another I get two feeds for most games (home and away). I haven't really paid attention enough to find a pattern on the single feeds.

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Definitely seems random, although in the case of Montreal the broadcast is usually not the local Montreal feed, because it's in English. Once in a while there will be a Habs game on in French, but its been pretty rare in my experience.

I personally never really cared where the signal came from, I'm just glad to be able to watch. And I continually wish that every Center Ice game was in HD w/decent audio...but its not like that's about to happen.

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it seems to me like it's usually the home team who gets the feed unless they black out the game. killed me last year (and the year before) when the sharks played nashville in the playoffs. i can't stand those announcers.

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For some reason or another I get two feeds for most games (home and away). I haven't really paid attention enough to find a pattern on the single feeds.

Whoa, how did you get two feeds? I always only get one, and some games are blacked out or only on the NHL network...

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