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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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5.25 lie?

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Too much banana for ya, eh? Well I've always been a Coff man, but my game has gone to crap and I am partially blaming my stick. A friend just gave me a CCM V130 and I love the stick for slappers and the feel and balance is great -- but it's a pro-stock heel curve with a real open toe (V-16, whatever that is), so I can't do much else than shoot twice as hard as I normally do....six feet over the net. So I am looking into trying out a Rex pattern in the CCM V10.0 since it is a mid-curve -- but nowhere near the Coffey banana I have grown to love. Do you recommend a particular CCM OPS? I haven't used a CCM since I had a something Tacks wood stick when I was 13...

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The 8.0 is the new v130 with an extended taper and a different blade. The 10.0 is also a very good stick. If you wait a couple months the price should drop.

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Hey TBLfan, thanks for the info!

I'll have to do some more research on the V10.0 as I have heard the '08 model is actually the RBK Sickick with a different paint job. I guess that would mean I should be after an '07 model. I know this is off-thread, but let me know if you know anything about this.

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Some have said that's what they got for warranty return. Because of this I wouldn't buy one without at least pictures of the stick, normally you can tell by the blade of the stick whether it's a sickick or 10.0.

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