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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor xxxx or ?

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Hello everyone,

This is my first post so bear with me. I am returning to skating after a (8) year absense. I will be skating 3-4 times a week and am a very accomplished skater. Have always skated in Bauers, the last pair being Supreme Composites. I have tried on several skates and the Vapor xxxx and xxv seem to fit very well. I have a narrow heel slightly wider than D width, low instep and normal to high arch. The One90 and Supreme70 were just So-So.

Looking for feedback on how these skates will perform exspecially since the last pair 8 years ago wear very diferent than what is available today. How does everyone like these skates? Should they fit my type of foot? I would normally get my blades profiled right away but will wait on that this time around to see how they work.

I also have thought about waiting on the One95's but that is getting a little pricy.

Looking foreward to any input.



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well if they fit, thats a good start, skates now a days are very responsive...

your question is hard to answer, what are you expecting?

I say buy something that fits and worry about profiling after you skate a little...

After all 8 years is a long time, your stide might be diferent

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I've had Vapor XXV's for a little while now. IMO, a great skate. Little to no break in time. Fit well, comfortable, which is most important. I cam from Tacks 452. They are holding up well, no rips or tears in the boots and holders are fine. The steel seems to rust a little easy, which is my only complaint, but it hasnt affected me yet.

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I've had a pair of Vapor XIX's for one year, and I thought they were great. I was fitted improperly, so I had the wrong size, but otherwise the performance is fine. I replaced the liner with Superfeet because the stock one slips around quite a bit.

The holders and steel have held up, although they are nicked up pretty good. Both my outsoles are cracked, one lengthwise and the other perpendicular. I'm not sure if this was a result of normal use or if they did so because I had them punched (I hadn't checked them before punching). And the tendon guard insert has worn through the liner on both skates. Neither seem to have affected my skating.

FWIW, I'm planning on buying a pair of XXV's soon as I liked the performance and feel of the skates, and I think they held up pretty well for a mediocre skater, and frankly nothing else fit my feet. But baby them to make them last.

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Ive had vapor xv's for a couple months and love them, the are very comfortable and light and they fit well... i would recom mend them to anyone :)

im sorry ,my bad.. i meant xxv's

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Got the Vapor XXII's. Excellent skate for comfort and very reponsive on ice. Very happily surprised when I switched back to Bauers after about a twelve year exodus to THC and Easton skates due to comfort issues with the Bauers at that particular time.

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