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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Doctor Hook


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Yes it's semi gay and hippie and all that, but I am curious about it since it's supposed to be a great stress reliever and workout.

Any dudes on here do yoga? How do you like it? What benefits are you seeing? Advice for a rookie (yookie?)

Also, found this article on the Canucks incorporating yoga into their training:


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Yeah...I do it. Started years ago for baseball and our coach had us do it and of course we all made fun of it, but it's not bad at all. You just have to take the lumps of it being presumed fruity and hippie, but it's worth it. Tips? Keep showing up and if people give you crap for it, just tell them about the cute girls in it. And I hope you have some in your class, otherwise it can really suck.

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I am one of the least flexible people I have ever seen. I should consider yoga to try to loosen up a bit...

Then again, I "should" do lots of things.

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Yoga will outright kick your ass. It might seem hippie or girlie but when you get done with your first few classes you will be sore. Best view is from the back of the class.

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IMO it's great for core work, functional strength, and flexibility. Tried it 3-4 times but I just don't have the time.

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I did it with my girlfriend at the time for a little while. My dad's done it off and on as well. To be honest, I didn't really like mine, it was a really slow class though and I did not feel there was much progression. There are a number of different types of classes and instructors, some are very intense and some are very laid back. Try and find one that suits you best and you should find it enjoyable.

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I was told to try it out from one of the personal trainers at the gym, I ain't knockin it at all just don't have the beans to try it yet lol. I guess Mike Komisarek does yoga, started a couple years ago, seemed to help him out.

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I have never done Yoga but have and sometimes still do Pilates. I chose Pilates over Yoga because there is more emphasis on the physical aspect and less on the mental/meditation stuff involved with Yoga.

Pilates definitely is a good workout if you get good at it and is great for your core.

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Had to take it for gym everything else was full. Hated it. But I'm sure it helped me Freshman year.

Years later I was at home alone. Turn on the TV and there's yogazone on. I was feeling kinda tight so I figured might as well stretch a little so I followed along. Awesome feeling inside and out. Got the book and don't do it enough but am a firm believer in its benefits.

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