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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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RYM Bottom 100 Albums

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I personally only listen to country and rap, and if i hear one more person say they can be a millionaire rapper or a platinum selling country singer cause they broke a tractor I'm going to break a guitar over their head.

That is quite the weird combination, I guess no different than me liking tool and Andrea Bocelli! lol

Being a rapper is so easy nowadays. Like it is all synthesizers, and computer generated grabage! It is all the same beat, so stupid generic beat that can't be copyrighted because it is so generic. Then you have some catchy lyrics that make no sense, and are such garbage that you make William Hung look like a lyrical genious. Rapping is all marketing really. In all sex...er rap videos you have half naked women running around with supersoakers, in front of a $350 000 car with the rapper guy throwing around hundreds of dollars like it is nothing. People like that, don't ask why, cause I don't know.

Rap that is good is Tupac, he always had a message in his songs. He didn't glorify himself as some sort of god cough...Kanye...cough. He worked hard for what he loved and he later died for what he loved. He would be rolling around in his grave right now if he saw this rap crap!! (for you conspiracy nuts, reread that last sentence). What happened to rap that meant something, when they had a political message? What happened to the time when rappers thought hard about the lyrics, and when every song wasn't about getting/being rich and banging a really hot chick?

That is my view on todays rap, old rap in early-mid 90's was good. Except Vanilla ice off course!

What was the meaningful message behind Hit Em up? Obviously the mainstream rap is crap, but theres still good albums being put out..theyre there, you just cant find them on the radio. I dont think its right to judge artists by the singles they release, Stronger was probably the worst song off Graduation. That goes for all genres actually.

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