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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Repairing cut on pants ?

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I thought someone else must have asked this question, but I couldn't find anything with a search.

There is a nice big skate cut in my pants, about 8" long, on the front thigh. I'm guessing some guy stepped on them in the changeroom. Is there anything a pro shop would do that would be better then just putting duct or electrical tape over the cut ?

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Stitch the tear and (waterproof?) seal it to keep it from opening again.

Tape comes off, get it fixed for the few dollars it will be and extend the life of your piece of equipment.

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I've repaired nearly everything with a needle and thread by hand. That's a long cut, but it can be done. Use a matching thread color and no one will be able to tell unless they're really close. I also recommend a stronger upholstery thread for the thicker fabric used on pants.

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