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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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ballistik flex

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I am looking at a Balistik 52 Caliber OPS.

I was wondering if anyone knew if the Ballistik 100 flex is closer to a Easton 100 or a Bauer 102.

The Easton seems a lot more whippy and the Bauer seems pretty stiff to me.

Anything helps...

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Sticks are rarely exactly as they are marked, there is always a margin for error in the production process. That said, 100 flex sticks are all roughly the same. Unless of course you're talking about the S17.

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i have a s17 and its cut down about 3 inches and its still pretty whippy thats why i wanted to know if this would be stiffer. more like a regular 100 flex stick

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