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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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2007 Eastom Skates and Warranty

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Has anybody experienced any quality issues with their 2007 Easton Skates? I have a Synergy 800c that are less then 3 months old, on their second set of steel, stitching is gone in many places, toe cap is about to delaminate, tong is falling apart and the felt is less then 2mm thin in some areas...

I am thinking I got a lemon. Trying to find out if there is a garden on these things and I need to talk to Easton warranty about the different model...

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the easton 800c are not a really good skate. Easton just wanted to make $$ by putting coil technology on a pair of crap skates. THere not really that bad but, may not suit your level of play?

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Steel wear really isnt a problem with the manufacturer. On the other hand, I have seen alot of problems with Easton skates regarding durability. I think there just isnt enough substance to the boot for the stitching to hold on to. Also the toe problem you describe has happened to a decent amount of the eastons ive sold(mostly the s15 model). If they are the skate that fit your foot best, your sorta stuck but easton should take these back if they are as bad as you say. I'd say try some other skates on and see if any feel as good. Good luck!

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