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Bravada 442

What constitutes a game misconduct?

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Tonight at my game barely a minute in a guy is driving the net so I plant hard and lean my shoulder into him to try and keep him off my goalie.

Shooter misses and causes a direct breakout for my team, and as they are rushing up I turn to follow the play and this kid turns around and swings his stick like an axe catching me right in the stomach, leaving about a 7 to 8" welt on my stomach and about a half an inch cut (I don't know how the hell his stick would cut me).

I look at the ref who does not see it but I go directly over to him, lift my shirt and show the huge mark and the blood and explain to him what happened. He says that he was following the puck and didn't see it, but will keep an eye on it.

Next shift out, I tap the kid on the shin guards and say "Hey *&$*%(#, thanks for the shot to the stomach. Shows what kind of low rent prick you are" and he turns and DOES IT AGAIN. Same spot, official finally sees it, gives him 2.

My question is, he's obviously trying to hurt me. He is swinging at my upper body, I told the ref and showed him the damage from the first time and he saw the second time. Does this constitute a game misconduct penalty?

I thought it was ridiculous that he can swing at me like Barry Bonds at a fastball and only get 2 minutes.

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That's why I never expect the ref to take care of my dirty work because they usually don't. What's great about hockey is the ability to make people pay for their actions.

It's at the ref's discretion to toss a dude. Unfortunately, you had a boneheaded ref.

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That's why I never expect the ref to take care of my dirty work because they usually don't. What's great about hockey is the ability to make people pay for their actions.

It's at the ref's discretion to toss a dude. Unfortunately, you had a boneheaded ref.

Oh I'll get him again. I already know we'll see them again in about 5 weeks in our second to last game of the regular season. No sense in doing something at this game when the refs are expecting it. I'll just railroad him next game when hopefully he has forgotten about it and the refs have no idea there is an existing issue.

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Only one official on the ice? Linesmen can call that stuff too.

If you're in that sort of low-rent league, call the league head and explain it. If the guy cares action will be taken against this goon.

Payback is a bitch. I'm all for evening up the play, but I'd rather stay on the other side of the ice or get him to do it again in your next game, get it on video and get the little bitch kicked out of the league and arrested for not knowing how to handle himself.

If you run him he doesn't learn anything. If you bring the cops in (even just to scare him them drop the charges) chances are he won't be lumberjacking anyone anymore.

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Only one official on the ice? Linesmen can call that stuff too.

If you're in that sort of low-rent league, call the league head and explain it. If the guy cares action will be taken against this goon.

Payback is a bitch. I'm all for evening up the play, but I'd rather stay on the other side of the ice or get him to do it again in your next game, get it on video and get the little bitch kicked out of the league and arrested for not knowing how to handle himself.

If you run him he doesn't learn anything. If you bring the cops in (even just to scare him them drop the charges) chances are he won't be lumberjacking anyone anymore.

Two officials on the ice. B league so I figured there'd be less hacks there than in the lower levels, but apparently not.

I do plan on talking to the guy that runs the place and put a word in, but he is pretty much clueless. Recently they had a change in ownership and this guy is pretty much useless. There was a spot behind one of the nets one time that would cause guys to fall or crash into the boards all the time, and he said it wasn't a problem because "you guys sign waivers".

I'll talk to him, but doubt anything will happen. I agree with you on the getting him kicked out, but unfortunately its the kind of league where unless they have a smoking gun, 8 witnesses, 2 video tapes and a guy from the Secret Service working the Zamboni, they aren't going to do much.

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Bringing the law into this is a bit harsh. These things have a way of sorting themselves out.

That's just it. If the league and officials aren't doing anything, the only justice comes at someone else getting hurt and purposefully gunning for him.

I suppose you can rely on Karma to take him out in the end, but I would prefer a direct approach.

There's a reasonable expectation of injury when playing, but when a guy lumberjacks you behind the play to the point where serious injury can occur he needs to learn there are real consequences.

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1. A slash to the body isn't an automatic match penalty for attempt to injure. That's the only call that would result in a game misconduct and it results in an automatic 30 day suspension.

2. After the first one, why in the hell would you get tangled up with the guy again? He's already proved that he takes the shit way too seriously. On the plus side, the ref did see him and penalized him for his actions. Talking to the ref evidently helped.

3. Eventually this guy is going to run into another meathead just like him and will get the worst of the situation. Chances are that if you try to teach him a lesson, you're going to get hammered with a suspension, or it's just going to make a crazy guy a little more pissed off. Neither one is going to benefit you in the long run.

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1. A slash to the body isn't an automatic match penalty for attempt to injure. That's the only call that would result in a game misconduct and it results in an automatic 30 day suspension.

2. After the first one, why in the hell would you get tangled up with the guy again? He's already proved that he takes the shit way too seriously. On the plus side, the ref did see him and penalized him for his actions. Talking to the ref evidently helped.

3. Eventually this guy is going to run into another meathead just like him and will get the worst of the situation. Chances are that if you try to teach him a lesson, you're going to get hammered with a suspension, or it's just going to make a crazy guy a little more pissed off. Neither one is going to benefit you in the long run.

That's what I'd call it, attempt to injure, but we don't measure our suspensions in Canada on days, it's moreso games, and attempt to injure will get you 3 surely, depending on the circumstances. As for getting involved witht he guy again, you get mad when you play, and you don't like getting dirtied, so some players are bound to chirp back. As for the third point, more than agree.

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1. A slash to the body isn't an automatic match penalty for attempt to injure. That's the only call that would result in a game misconduct and it results in an automatic 30 day suspension.

2. After the first one, why in the hell would you get tangled up with the guy again? He's already proved that he takes the shit way too seriously. On the plus side, the ref did see him and penalized him for his actions. Talking to the ref evidently helped.

3. Eventually this guy is going to run into another meathead just like him and will get the worst of the situation. Chances are that if you try to teach him a lesson, you're going to get hammered with a suspension, or it's just going to make a crazy guy a little more pissed off. Neither one is going to benefit you in the long run.

1) That's what I was wondering. I didn't know if a slash above the waist was an automatic call as attempt to injure or if it was still up to the officials discression.

2) I didn't really have a choice. He's a forward, probably their 2nd best one, and I'm our top defenseman. He was out on a power play after the first incident and I had him on the half wall. Nothing I can do, its not like I'm going to go running in the other direction when he comes skating down.

3) Yeah, I agree with you here. Nothing I'm going to be able to do AND get away with is going to do anything to teach him. My buddy on my team is a cop and wanted to take a run at him because he said he'll just ask him outside if he wanted to fight and then just flash his badge, but I figured that might not be a good idea either haha.

Thanks for the info, guys.

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Players like that make me ill. If I would have been lining or refereeing that game, that player would have been thrown out... without question, if I had seen it. It's hard to make calls on things you don't witness... but two minutes for something like that seems a little light. I wasn't there though, so I can't say.

I'm sorry to hear this 'man' is getting away with that, but inciting more from him is probably not the best idea... as it has been said by wiser players here.

Don't play the tough guy on this one. That's my advice. If he's willing to injure you over something trivial, imagine what could happen if you piss him off.

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