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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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vapour 20 gloves

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are vapour 20 gloves any good? im thinking of getting a pair ,i wanna know if theyre durable or not cause they have to last a year

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are vapour 20 gloves any good? im thinking of getting a pair ,i wanna know if theyre durable or not cause they have to last a year

I'm pretty sure they will last a year, a glove that price shouldn't fall apart that soon... By the way it's spelt Vapor.

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Use the search, you should get alot of info and personal reviews on them that might help you out a bit.

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I LOVE them, they are, in my opinion, the best gloves out right now. Very nice mobility, great protection, and very comfortable. Not sure how durable they are but they seem to have a nice palm...they havent been out a long time so I havent seen how good they hold up.

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I dont prefer them over the XX's, but that's true, the XV's are a really nice glove at a really nice price.

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Not to sway you away from the XX's but I had a choice between the XX and XV gloves and I chose the XV gloves instead. It wasn't the high price of the XX's, but rather the huge price difference of over $50 USD between the two models that made me think. The XV is just an awesome glove regardless of it's $80 price tag. It's light, protective, has a good palm (durasoft), and a wicked fit if you like a tight fitting glove around the back of the hand and loose around the wrists. Money wasn't an issue at the time when I was searching for new gloves and I chose this above everything else on the market.

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