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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sherwood SOP

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i have a blade that i heated up and curved myself, i know for a fact that no brands make a curve like it to the exact specs that i made it to. Do i send in the blade to sherwood and have them make the curve for me?

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im not really that sure how to post pics can i take a cell phone pic and then send that to my email and post it on here?


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Cheap Jims has Sherwood SOP mid curve blades for $13 or so, just google Cheap Jims and the site will come up.

For custom curves etc.. I tried to go the Sherwood SOP route. Must be my LHS (at the time) now is no longer here, and the one in Binghamton, but the deal never materialized. I wanted to order about a year ago some SOP wood sticks, I was told by my LHS I had to order 2 dozen sticks ( in the meantime I had already emailed sherwood to see how many I had to order) they told me 1 Dozen. So with that being said I didnt go back to my LHS for anything again, I dont like it when people try to rip you off. So I went to the Bing. shop and told them what I wanted they took all the info down etc.. and said they would get back to me on a price in a few days. Never happened, I was willing to fork out a good amount of $$ for 1 dozen wood sticks, now sherwood isnt going to be making them anymore in Canada, so I have stuck to composites for now on. Its stuff like that, that makes me want to open my own hockey supply so If I want something I can get it myself from the dealer.

On a side note Christian Hockey has a custom blade and wood stick program, I think its 6 of each you have to order to get them custom, but its not a bad deal. Especially since you can get tappered blades custom made.


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