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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Recieved A GM21(Verbal Abuse of an Official)

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Bumping each other in front of a net isn't a penalty. Two guys in front of the net, sticks crossed leaning into each other. The puck left, the guy in black threw an elbow as they were leaving. The "conversation" I posted wasn't verbatim, and it was only about 10 seconds. The captain was being civil and the box ref was taking forever so I decided to politely explain the situation, he heated it up while I just sat there which pissed him off more, he insulted me, I gave him a penalty.

I suppose the way I posted it looks like I was baiting the guy, but that's not how things go. Like I said, I didn't have a specific example in mind and just kinda made one up that's indicative of what usually happens when I give an arguing. A few quips aren't called and I usually ignore when someone is just jawing over a call, but there are cases when a player or captain just crosses that line and they get livid since they think they are allowed to just chew on you when they think a call was bad. Like a ref would ever reverse a call after a captain argues it.

The second conversation is pretty accurate to what someone I've reffed with has said. Like I said, I don't agree with it, but how do you help calm things down without letting the players see the refs not being on the same page? I calmed him while we were sorting things out at the box, and he knew he went too far but it was too late to fix anything.

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apparently, like a fool.

A fool can no more see his own folly than he can see his ears. -William Makepeace Thackeray


hahaha, also thanks for that site, it might come in handy



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You make a great point....

But why do you say it doesn;t surprise you coming from me

whatever it is, it sure wasn't because of your classy avatar.

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Man everybody gives extreme a hard time, he's not that bad, cut him some slack. I think that thread about his last HS game just gave people a bad impression really, and now people just nitpick him. And that avatar isn't bad at all IMO. A few other members have it and no one says anything to them about it. Anyway, I'll probably get shit for that, but just my .02. Nothing personal to anyone.

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will someone please give me a damn explination for how i look like a fool

You can start with your avatar...

Mine's not much better but a heck of a lot less graphic.

Did you use tape to flip the bird with a hockey glove, or a lot of practice?

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You make a great point....

But why do you say it doesn;t surprise you coming from me

whatever it is, it sure wasn't because of your classy avatar.

Does my new avatar float everybodys boat

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You make a great point....

But why do you say it doesn;t surprise you coming from me

whatever it is, it sure wasn't because of your classy avatar.

Does my new avatar float everybodys boat


yeah, that's better.

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This thread sucks.

Extreme gets chastised because in the month he's been here hes made about 4 posts that were worth reading.

Are we even sure he was the one that elbowed someone in front of the net or was that just someone else telling a different story?

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Extreme gets chastised because in the month he's been here hes made about 4 posts that were worth reading.

Which seems like the going rate for a lot of people. And what happened to his little thread about leaving? I could never find it a second time.

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