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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Chassis Question

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What is the difference between the Labeda Humm'r Pro chassis (the one on the Beemers) and the silver magnum one that is on the Red Max? Any help would be great. I think they are the same but Im not sure.

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The Hummer Pro from the Beemers is 7000 series aluminum, extruded construction

The Magnum from the Red Max is 6000 series, and I believe it's two plates and the chassis sides welded together.

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7000 series is lighter and stronger than 6000 series, extruded construction is stronger as it is carved from a single block of aluminum where the other is referred to as a stamped chassis (forgot the term in my last post) which is prone to breaking at the connection points

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If you can get your hands on the 7000 series one without paying much more, go for it. There is def. a bit of a quality difference between the two based on the different grade aluminum.

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