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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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D aka speck

Movie mistakes

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What about that movie "signs" With mel gibson..

I mean im not to sure about christian beliefes but the movie is about a Minister who lost faith when his wife was split in two by a truck... Then aliens come and try and kill everyone but his daughters love for water ends up being the demise of the aliens, Thus renewing his faith in the lord. My question is, where do aliens fit in christianity? I mean that would prove extraterrestrial life on other planets... I didnt know aliens were in the bible.

His faith was renewed because when his wife was pinned up against the tree and dying she told him to tell Joaquin Phoenix's character (Merrill)to "swing away". Merrill was a minor league baseball player who either hit a home run or struck out. At the end of the movie when the alien has his son, Merrill is standing next to a mounted bat on the wall. Mel Gibson tells him to "swing away". Thus hitting the alien with the bat and saving the son's life. His faith was renewed bye recieving a message from god thru his dying wife which helped save his son. I think that was the point. IMO

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Mr Woodcock when Seann William Scott's character (the guys who plays stiffler) goes for a jog then goes into the resturaunt and talks to his friend, the camera looks at him his shirt is wet from sweating, it looks away, looks back its almost dry, looks away then back again, its wet again... i have no clue how i noticed it haha

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