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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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D aka speck

Movie mistakes

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Technically is wasn't really a movie mistake, since han shoots first in the original movie, but in the revised one from the 90's it was deemed politically incorrect.

So yeah Mack was beeing ironical.

-edit- Know Chadd knew it based on his post, I just wanted to clear it up for members that didn't before they start posting about it. -edit-

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OK... speaking of movie mistakes, Death Proof, from credits to credits. :D

Seriously though,, in From Dusk Till Dawn, ever notice that an Hispanic guy takes hours to turn to a Vamp, as does a white preacher?

Somehow the big black 'nam veteran black guy turns vampire in mere seconds?

BTW... I love the new word "ironical". :D

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I was watching a show and they mentioned that in gladiator they referenced hell. At that point the concept of hell hadn't been invented yet... Never mentioned the fact that they were speaking in english. Dumbass.

Not to mention the fact that Gladiator took place somewhere along the lines of 170-190 AD. I'm pretty sure that was just a weeeee bit after the concept of hell.

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im surprised that this hasn't come up yet, but in any of the mighty ducks theres TONS of mistakes.

The one that always sticks out is the Gunner Stahl shootout in D2. He takes the slapshot, and no one knows where the puck goes. Um...if its not in the net, its obviously not a goal, no need to wait for her to show you that she stopped it.

Also, sometimes "fultons" jersey will say just that..."FULTON", when his last name should be on there as "reed"

i havnt checked this out myself but ive heard the 'flying V' is offside everytime.

side-note: join the facebook group 'why didn't gunner stahl go blocker side?' :P

i think i remember watching it for this once, and i don't think they are offside. they pass the puck up to the leading guy before he enters the zone

i don't remember exactly how it goes, but I noticed Adam Banks is a lefty and his double was a righty or vise versa. And that kid in the window was freaky.

Same with Mendozas double.

One I noticed today was in S.W.A.T. In the scenes where the guy is getting freed from the bus and jumps in the patrol car. When he slams into the unmarked car in one angle you can see the unmarked car hit another car but when they go to the other angle the car is like 6 feet away untouche.

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I was watching a show and they mentioned that in gladiator they referenced hell. At that point the concept of hell hadn't been invented yet... Never mentioned the fact that they were speaking in english. Dumbass.

Not to mention the fact that Gladiator took place somewhere along the lines of 170-190 AD. I'm pretty sure that was just a weeeee bit after the concept of hell.

Actually, I believe that the concept of hell came about somewhere around 500-1000AD. I'd have to check my textbooks because I doubt we'll find too much accurate historical information via google search. Wikipedia puts the orgin of the word "hell" at 725 AD, but that's not really a reliable source.

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Back to Blades of Glory for just a moment...

I just noticed, towards the end...

after they award the champaign, they do interviews and in the background you can watch them award champaign (after it's been sprayed everywhere).

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To get to the Hell discussion, I'm siding with the notion that its concept goes back to around 2400 BC with Egyptians and anytime before 125 AD in Christianity (Roman Catholic).

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I believe the concept of Hell grew out of Hades, the underworld for the dead, which was a Greek notion -- and maybe even evolved from the Egyptians as you suggest.

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In Caddyshack, when the reverend gets struck by lightning in the storm, the trees are blowing around and there is rain coming from every direction yet the trees in the background are still and there are birds flying around.

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The best Empire Stikes Back mistake is when Luke has his hand again while sliding down the tube.

As for Gladiator et al, didn't you folks know that all ancient Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, and the like had proper English accents?

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Star Wars...after the Death Star is destroyed. Rebel troops return to base... Leia runs up to Luke as he gets out of the "X Wing", he clearly yells "Carrie" (Fischer) and hugs her.

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As for Gladiator et al, didn't you folks know that all ancient Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, and the like had proper English accents?

The worst example of that is Sean Connery as a Russian sub captain.

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Star Wars...after the Death Star is destroyed. Rebel troops return to base... Leia runs up to Luke as he gets out of the "X Wing", he clearly yells "Carrie" (Fischer) and hugs her.

I never noticed that!

But I did notice Jar Jar :ph34r: (in later episodes, of course)

(or were they earlier episodes? I'm so confused HAHA!)

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Star Wars...after the Death Star is destroyed. Rebel troops return to base... Leia runs up to Luke as he gets out of the "X Wing", he clearly yells "Carrie" (Fischer) and hugs her.

I never noticed that!

But I did notice Jar Jar :ph34r: (in later episodes, of course)

(or were they earlier episodes? I'm so confused HAHA!)

In one of the various re-packagings of the original trilogy, he may have had that re-dubbed (ala Greedo shooting first, and rings around the DS wwhen it blew up).

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As for Gladiator et al, didn't you folks know that all ancient Greeks, Romans, Mesopotamians, and the like had proper English accents?

The worst example of that is Sean Connery as a Russian sub captain.

Even worse than when Connery played the Spaniard, Ramirez, in the Highlander movies?

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but sean connery is simply sean connery. that's like asking norm mcdonald to play someone other than himself.

connery turned down the role of gandalf in the first lord of the rings, because he "didn't understand the novels". upon seeing how successful LOTR was, and feeling like he'd made the wrong decision, he accepted the part in "league of extraordinary gentlemen", which he also didn't understand. he retired pretty promptly after that movie flopped.

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