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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan

Paypal help.

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Guest phillyfan


I finally received a refund after filing for one through Paypal from a seller on eBay. Never received merchandise, seller refused to refund, latty datta do, Paypal issues me a refund 2 months later. Anyway, the total for the payment was $46.53. Paypal issued a refund for $42.76. Did they take out the difference for their cut for doing the work? I have received no explanation, not that I'm complaining, just curious. Also, the seller for some strange reason appealed the ruling Paypal made. How long does it usually take for Paypal to tell him to go shove it, I don't want to make good use of the money, then Paypal take it back or something, which they shouldn't, but it's always better to be safe than sorry.

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Guest phillyfan

Even for refunds? Usually during refunds they refund their fees. That's why I am confused.

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I think Paypal is such a rip. They take too much money per trasaction and when you use there cashback credit card you get like .12cents back. I wish there were other ways like paypal to make it cheaper.

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I agree somewhat but still it's a convenience for me. It beats waiting on a money order and having to run to the bank all the time.


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Guest phillyfan

I absolutely agree Paypal and eBay are 2 of the biggest online scams. Whenever receiving a payment, I usually request the purchaser not to specify an eBay item # and/or eBay auctions, just select other. Sort of like the gig Canadien and American Buyers/Sellers do to help each other out on Customs marking it as a gift and having a low value.

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  phillyfan said:
I absolutely agree Paypal and eBay are 2 of the biggest online scams.
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They're both legitimate and follow all aplicable laws. How does that make them scams?

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Guest phillyfan

In a way, it was part sarcasm. But recently, eBay rasied it's percentage fee, as well as Paypal I believe. But by scam, I did not intend an actual "scam," but the fact that they hit you up everywhere for everything...

BTW-What do you have against me Mr.ljack! Every time I post, you're criticizing me! :D ¿

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I simply try to correct posts that contain incorrect info. If you feel that I'm responding to a disproportionate number of your posts, perhaps I am. Rest assured, it's nothing personal.

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I have to agree with ljack on this one. Heck.. where else can I buy a brand new M-1 for 100 bucks?? lol.. They have to make thier money too.. it's all "business" :D

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Guest phillyfan

It sure as hell ain't free for me! I don't know what sort of account I have, but am assuming it is a Premier Business Account, why, have no idea since the most business I ever particpate in is selling an old piece of equipment every few months or whatnot.

ljack-Nothing wrong with it, I can use the corrections most of the time.

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Paypal now has a policy in place that allows buyers to defraud sellers. It's become a big problem and has happened to me personally.

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