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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hilo to Humm'r transition

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Nice set up...I was just wondering if you could tell any difference in regards to being higher off the ground than your last set of skates? I've rocked HiLo's since they hit the market (I still have some old school Motor HiLo Chassis) and besides pitch difference (on the Hum'er), I feel as though they are slightly higher off the ground (and I dremelled mine)...making ankle strength more important than ever. All in all, I'm very happy with the transition from HiLo's to Hum'ers. I do feel a bit faster at max speed.

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Nice set up...I was just wondering if you could tell any difference in regards to being higher off the ground than your last set of skates? I've rocked HiLo's since they hit the market (I still have some old school Motor HiLo Chassis) and besides pitch difference (on the Hum'er), I feel as though they are slightly higher off the ground (and I dremelled mine)...making ankle strength more important than ever. All in all, I'm very happy with the transition from HiLo's to Hum'ers. I do feel a bit faster at max speed.

yeah i definitely feel higher off the ground. at first it was like skating in high heels or soemthing. the main difference that was hard for me was that I was skating on my heels for the first time. I was flailing backwards and tripping over the toes a lot the first few times. I'm definitely faster though and I skate a lot more fluidly. I used to be a dancer and I can practically do pirouettes in these. a lot of people say you don't have as tight turns in these but I haven't noticed much if at all in the game. i figure, if i need to turn tight, i'm going to turn tight, the skates aren't going to stop me.

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Nice set up...I was just wondering if you could tell any difference in regards to being higher off the ground than your last set of skates? I've rocked HiLo's since they hit the market (I still have some old school Motor HiLo Chassis) and besides pitch difference (on the Hum'er), I feel as though they are slightly higher off the ground (and I dremelled mine)...making ankle strength more important than ever. All in all, I'm very happy with the transition from HiLo's to Hum'ers. I do feel a bit faster at max speed.

yeah i definitely feel higher off the ground. at first it was like skating in high heels or soemthing. the main difference that was hard for me was that I was skating on my heels for the first time. I was flailing backwards and tripping over the toes a lot the first few times. I'm definitely faster though and I skate a lot more fluidly. I used to be a dancer and I can practically do pirouettes in these. a lot of people say you don't have as tight turns in these but I haven't noticed much if at all in the game. i figure, if i need to turn tight, i'm going to turn tight, the skates aren't going to stop me.

Yeah I hear ya. I haven't had any issues w/ the turning radius I read about before trying the Hum'ers. However, I too have experienced the falling backwards while skating backwards. I can't feel a huge difference in pitch while skating forward, but while skating backwards (and yes, I'm a defenseman) I've taken a tumble or two - and my teammates have definitely given me hell for it. My favorite experience thus far - while in the offensive zone the other team tried to flip the puck out of the zone and I jumped up to try to bat the puck down and hold our zone...only to fall on my ass as soon as I came back down to the floor. The ref came up to me and told me to watch out for the blue line (my roller league players NHL offsides rules), cuz it can get you some times.

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For maximum performance it would best if you don't use the plastic inserts. It's a simple procedure to dremmel a groove in outsole for the second wheel. Reason for this, the Labeda Hum'er was designed to reduce your center of gravity. Prior to the introduction of the Hum'er frame the problem with large wheel set ups was that your center of gravity was too high from the skating surface. Labeda figured out that by recessing the front wheels into the outsole this eliminated any issues of having large wheels. A Hum'er frame with 80mm wheels on the front is the same distance from skating surface as a standard 72mm high low set up. By eliminating this issue, you now have the advantage of 80mm speed and Grip. The grip factor is often over looked. If you need help mounting the Hum'er frames, send me an e-mail and I will arrange to get your frames mounted on your boots. Good Luck.

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