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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Code Carbon vs Cobalt Q?

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Unfortunately I haven't skated in the carbons, but I have about 3 week's worth of time on the cobalt q's. I have always had good luck with Tour skates as far as fit goes (and they are basically the only skates outside of bauer 8090's to not kill my feet) and have skated in several models over the years:







and now the cobalt Q's.

I have not had any comfort problems as far as the last of the boot. The only thing that I noticed over the other skates in the past was that I had a hot spot on my left inside ankle bone. But a friend with code 1's had the same spot hurt (his still hurts terribly to the point where he is literally bruising after almost a year on them :().

After 1 skate and heating the area up and popping a golf ball in there with a clamp I have had absolutely no trouble with the skates. They are as comfortable to me as any other tour skate I've used. Probably the most comfortable tour skate to date for me personally. It's the first time in years and years of skating that my feet feel as good before a game as they do after.

I wish I could give more impressions vs the carbons. But the Beemer was the last pair I had before the Qs.

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i have the carbon skates and i love them just as much as the code 1. i tried on the Q's and they were not a good fit they hurt when i stood up on them and i dont think that i would get them but for some people they might fit good but try to try them on before you buy them.

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