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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Two skate tongues?

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its padding to prevent skate bite

So you say it's a pad to prevent lace bite eh. Makes sense but why not cut it a bit lower or just get a better tongue for your skate?

but if his skates fit properly, he wouldnt get lacebite. especially if he has custom skates.

Repeat after me, Custom does not equal perfect.

skates that fit are perfect

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Check out the chins on Spacek :D

i see what you did there :lol:

Looks like a chubby beerleaguer in this pic :lol:

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Unfortunately, no matter how perfectly your skates fit, you can still get lace bite. Lacing your skates once too tightly with too much pressure across the top of your foot and you will get lace bite. I would rather get hit in the foot by a slapshot than get lace bite. I know the pain from the slapshot will go away a lot sooner than lace bite ever will. I had lace bite once and it sucked.

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