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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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skate shop in central jersey?

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i'm in the Princeton area... none of the local shops are equiped to mount holders (at least not in any way close to professional)... anyone have a good skate shop in central jersey? don't say Ice Land in Lawrenceville.

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I think DarkStar runs a shop in NJ and from what I've heard he's bloody good. Although my geography of NJ is lacking somewhat so I don't know how much of a bother it is to get yourself there.

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delval in bristol, its about 30 minutes from Princeton.. google their website..

i think darkstars proshop is up at the rink the avalanche play out of, thats like an hour plus drive..

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Darkstar is up in hackensack, but probably worth the trip.....there's also a decent place right across the river in pennsy, off the NJ Turnpike, but both of these places are probably almost an hour either way

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If you can't find any shops near enough, you can always ship the skates to me via UPS or USPS. What are you looking for? Are your skates new or well used? Let me know if I can help.

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I like Consignment Sports in Howell, NJ. Right off of 195 on route 9, would be an easy run from Princeton I think. They have mounted several different holders for me, and did an excellent job each time.

Good Luck....

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If you can't find any shops near enough, you can always ship the skates to me via UPS or USPS. What are you looking for? Are your skates new or well used? Let me know if I can help.

i'm looking for a good shop within easy driving distance... i've been using a great shop in NYC (by mail), but i was hoping i could find a shop i could trust locally. i just got some skates made and unfortunately i hate the boots. i bought new tacks in the same size as my old tacks, but the fit is very different, and unpleasant. so now i'm thinking i need to just scrap them and get some new skates. i was thinking about graf maybe, but i'd like to be fitted again. where's your shop?

i've heard of consignment... someone on my team suggested them i think. maybe i'll make a run down there after work one of these days and check things out.

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