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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stealth 7 v. synergy skates!

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Now i really need a new pair of skates.. For the moment, i'm in a pair of Vapor XIX's. The overall fit is good but a large problem has come up.

The bump before the big-toe on the right foot (where the big toe fasten) has gotten so swollen from blocking shots, that i cannot insert my foot into the skate without sceaming in pain.. The skate has been baked and punched without success.

Iv'e been to a doctor, and x-rays has been taken. There are no crack in the bone or anything, just a big build up of cartilage that are causing seious pain.. I wont have time for a surgery until october, so i'm in for a new pair of skates.

Ive tried on a pair of easton Synergy 800's (w-width) at my lhs, and they fit really nice (no pain in the bump at all), and they also lock my heel in better than the vapors.

There is just one thing that is bothering me. The duability of the synergys, espessialy the toecaps. Iv'e read here and there about toecaps that breaks.

Then i figured, the stealth 7's are constructed more traditionally with a plastic toecap, but do they fit the same as the syneregys?

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I have to disagree with chiab. I personally have been skating on the Easton s11 for the past 3 months. They are light, responsive and quite protective. I've never had any issues with the boot or holders. The toe cap is a little beat up but nothing to write home about.

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I have to disagree with chiab. I personally have been skating on the Easton s11 for the past 3 months. They are light, responsive and quite protective. I've never had any issues with the boot or holders. The toe cap is a little beat up but nothing to write home about.

Second that. Haven't had any complaints around the shop about the durability or peroformance of the S7s or S11s. S15s... different story.

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I went from a Synergy 800c to a Stealth S7. Nothing but good things to say about the S7.

The Fit ;

They fit very close, my opinion is the S7 fits a tad bigger in length and depth.

Width of the two models is about the same.

I bought a pair of 800c Synergy skates, size 8. Walked around the LHS and they fit great. On the ice my longer foot's big toenail bruised up after one skate.

Tried a pair in 8.5, same thing. A size 8 Stealth fits great, ever so slightly longer than the Synergy 800c but with a bigger toecap. I think that low profile, narrow toecap on the 800c was the issue for me. The S7 is comparable in stiffness to the 800c, maybe a hair more flexible. I'd say that the S7 is maybe a quarter size bigger that the same size 800c. Hope that helps.

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