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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Advice

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I'm finally down to my last 05 Stealth (non-grip) 85 Flex Gaborik. I've been trying to find a similar replacement but I've had no luck. I've tried the Stealth CNT but it doesn't feel the same at all.

Does anybody know of a stick closest to the weight, balance and feel of the 05 Stealth? Thanks.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Light feeling stick...especially blade light....S17, R8 lite or the new R10.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Light feeling stick...especially blade light....S17, R8 lite or the new R10.

My XN10 with the stock wood plug feels much more blade light than any of those.

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Yes I was a big fan of the XN10 also. One of my favourite sticks but couldn't get anymore. It's hard for me to see how a stick feels without trying it out on the ice.

I thought the Stealth CNT felt alright at the LHS but when I tried it on ice, I wasn't able to get used to it at all. Wasted $$$ :P

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Light feeling stick...especially blade light....S17, R8 lite or the new R10.

My XN10 with the stock wood plug feels much more blade light than any of those.

With the stock plugs....I'll agree with you there. Personally though, the new R10 has a VERY thin and lightweight 12K blade, and in my 55" length, it does feel very blade light.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Light feeling stick...especially blade light....S17, R8 lite or the new R10.

My XN10 with the stock wood plug feels much more blade light than any of those.

With the stock plugs....I'll agree with you there. Personally though, the new R10 has a VERY thin and lightweight 12K blade, and in my 55" length, it does feel very blade light.

Must be different than the ones at the show. At full length it was still a little blade heavy to me.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Light feeling stick...especially blade light....S17, R8 lite or the new R10.

My XN10 with the stock wood plug feels much more blade light than any of those.

With the stock plugs....I'll agree with you there. Personally though, the new R10 has a VERY thin and lightweight 12K blade, and in my 55" length, it does feel very blade light.

Must be different than the ones at the show. At full length it was still a little blade heavy to me.

Interesting. I'll be tossing up on here pics of my demo R10 Whip Frolov this evening once I get to my home computer. The blade does feel very light to me, and not the typical balance that I am used to with a TPS stick....but time of course will tell.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Maybe I'll try the RBK 7K. But do they have one in a lie 5.5? It seems like everything is a lie 6.

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Honestly I dont think there is anything out there like the 05 Stealth. By far the lightest feeling stick I have ever felt. TPS XN10 and RBK 7K claim to be 395 grams as well but both dont feel as blade light as the Stealth. Those two are probably your best bet.

Maybe I'll try the RBK 7K. But do they have one in a lie 5.5? It seems like everything is a lie 6.

I'd advise against that. The 7k is a step down. In the hands the closest feeling stick is the S17. As far as shooting... man, it's been a while but I would say R8. But if you can find it the SL and CNT stealth were both money. If you must go with RBK/CCM, 10.0 hands down. The only sickick I have used and liked was a 7V, aka a vector.

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