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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Cages & Shields

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About two months ago I purchased an Itech Deluxe X100 Half Shield. Which up until now, I’ve been very happy with, unbelievable clarity. On Tuesday I took a wicked elbow to my mouth and cut my lip to shreds; I was lucky not to lose any teeth. So I’ve decided that I won’t be playing without full protection anymore. When I was younger I used a standard black wire cage, and I was used to it at the time, but I remember being unbelievably satisfied when I took it off; I was stick handling better shooting better, the whole nine yards. Most recently before my half shield I was briefly using an Itech FX50 which is half visor, half cage. And that was a good compromise with the exception that it felt very heave to have on, I almost felt like a bobble head doll.

My question is have any of you ever been compelled to switch from half or no facial protection to a full solution? If so have you found something that you really liked? Because of my displeasure with the weight I was considering trying the Bauer 8500, which boasts that the vision is increased by 18% and the weight reduced by 12%.

Any opinions to help me in my decision would be great. (I have a Bauer 5500 Medium Helmet)

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try the itech fantom cage, large spaces between the eyes to compensate for vision.

and if thats too heavy there is the itech titanium cage which is roughly 189.99 at my LHS. it is extremely light though being titanium and all.

i like the fantom cage but still prefer the visor because guys go after full cages for some reason more so in beer league :( and they harass you like no tomorrow.

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i'm holding my beans until the new 9500 comes out. Supposedly it's another improvement over the previous 8500. I think I recall JR hinting at its innovative design, despite his lack of interest in cages.

I also rock the x100 and it's been a real life saver. Last Saturday, a newcomer nearly gouged my left eye out with the heel end of his skate runner if it weren't for my shield. It really makes me wish the new 9500 would come out sooner so I could go make the final switch over to full facial protection. Unless I get paid to play, I'm not going to put my health at risk.

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I'll have to pimp the Itech Titanium cage. Best cage available, unless looks actually matter to you.

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2nd vote for the Itech Phantom cage. I am thinking of a visor for roller but fogging is not my problem but sweat drip.

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another vote for itech fantom. in my opinion/experiences it is much better than the old school itech or the ccm/jofa.

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Any word when the Bauer 9500 is slated to be coming out, or any pictures or thread to reference. I've tried searching and haven't been able to find much specific information on it.

Thanks for the reply's I have something against fishbowls, but you've intrigued me with this 9500, I think Ill wear the FX50 until it comes out.

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