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Shoulder Pad Fit - HELP Please

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:rolleyes: I finally broke down and bought some modern shoulder pads for the Men's League I am in. I bought the Bauer Vapor 10 since they seemed to be lightweight and just what I need. I purchased the size according to my chest and height (39 inch chest/5'10") as deginated by Bauer. One problem I have is that they constantly slide up on my neck, and almost choke me when I skate.

How can I stop the pads from sliding up? Any suggestions will help.

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It's always seemed like your better off going a size down from what those charts say. I am 5'9" 175lb with a 38.5" chest. That would put me in a medium according to size charts but I always wear a small in shoulder pads. From what I know the only way to stop sliding is to get pads that fit right, having them slid up or choke your neck when you put your arms up is a sign of them being too big. Even if they seem like they fit fine when you are static, once you go smaller you will see how they are really supposed to fit and they'll be 100 times more comfortable.

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a way that i solved this same problem was to put a pair of suspenders on my pants and put them over the shoulder pads. works fine for me and some of my teammates followed my lead and are pleased with the results also.

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i used to have that problem as well. then i got suspenders and that pretty much solved all my problems. they keep my shoulder pads down so when i go to wind up it doesn't rise up at all.

so try the suspenders

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I had a pair of RBK 6K that did that. No matter how tight they were as soon as I broke a sweat, they slid all over the place. I even tried the next smaller size, but they were way too small. I picked up a pair of One90 shoulder pads (which are overkill for beer league, I know, but man are they comfy), they have that grip liner in it and those things stay in place perfectly.

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I had a pair of RBK 6K that did that. No matter how tight they were as soon as I broke a sweat, they slid all over the place. I even tried the next smaller size, but they were way too small. I picked up a pair of One90 shoulder pads (which are overkill for beer league, I know, but man are they comfy), they have that grip liner in it and those things stay in place perfectly.

I didn't want to buy the One 90's because of the price. But once I put them on that was the end of that. They really are a great fitting pad.

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I have the same problem. I have a pair of medium shoulder pads that seem to ride up up neck and i get the feeling that I'm getting choked a bit. I've got a 40" chest and going down a size to smalls is unlikely to work out. I'm going to move up to a large to hopefully solve that problem.

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Suspenders for me. I never had it come up in the neck, I can pull that down easily. It was the back riding up that really annoyed me so I put the suspenders over the shoulders instead of the other way around (was already using suspenders, changed mid-game)

I still barely use shoulders for drop-in and small no-contact games though, usually only when I don't know the group of people and how physical it will be.

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