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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking for a team in Detroit.

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I'm looking for a team at Joe Dumars Fieldhouse, the team I was asked to play on for the last two season is horrible, and its not because they have a lack of skill, they just choose not to hustle, not to backcheck and overall just don't care whether they win or lose. I'm not one to get upset and huffy puffy over a loss, but ill be damned if I just sit there and let someone skate around me or shoot shots on my own net because we are down a couple goals.

I don't know as many people that play as I used to, it seems many of my old friends are quitting the sport or away at college. I need to find a team to play on for next season. I could easily play with the Bronze team I'm on again, but I'm looking for a slightly more motivated team, hopefully with a bit more skill. I've played in every league from iron to platinum, even won the championship in platinum one year. I'm confident in my playing abilities; I would prefer not to go any lower than Bronze, but I'm comfortable going higher.

My only restriction is that I play in the Bronze league in the summer with some friends; but I'd be more than willing to play on two teams if the times didn't conflict.

If anyone is in need of another player on their team, let me know and hopefully I can fill the spot.

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If you could get me on one game as a sub Cougars' Id be happy to skate with you and check it out, sounds like you could use the help anyway.

Though I have to be honest in situations like being beaten every game, I prefer just dropping down a league and being more of a competitor.

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throwing the red flag on that one, i specifically remember about 4 posts during TORHS! What's with that?

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