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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Nash gets a new letter

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Reading that report I was actually shocked he is still just 23 years old. Feels like he´s been around for ages. Edit: To stay on topic. I guess Peca would have been an option.

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I personally thought Peca should have gotten the "C", but he probably didn't because he doesn't have a contract for next year. Hitchcock said earlier that they wouldn't name a new captain till training camp, so this was a bit of a suprise.


"I'm not going to be a magic captain," Nash said. "I'm not going to step in and guarantee anything . . . The biggest plus is I'm going to be here for a long time and be the captain for a long time."

This is the most important part for Jackets fans. Hopefully he steps up his play and stays in Columbus long-term.

Congrats Rick, it's your turn to Carry the Flag. Just don't get traded like our other 4 captains.

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