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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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sizing; Easton Synergy vs NBH Vapor?

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there's a large amount of difference between the skate. Width, length and depth. I skated comfortably in a stealth skate size 9D(shoe size 11). I just bought vapor xxx's used, they are 8.5D. Vapors are much more narrow than easton skates. I have terrible lace bite with my new vapors as to no discomfort to my old easton skates. The vapor skate isn't as deep as an easton boot. I fail the pencil test with my vapors.

sorry for rambling. try the skates on to tell for sure. no one knows your foot comfort better than you.

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I skated comfortably in a stealth skate size 9D(shoe size 11).

interesting - I'm 10.5-11 shoe size but my big toe pushes the toe cup in 9.5 1500c, so there's no chance I could fit into 9...

When was LS2 introduced? Do XXX come with LS or LS2 holder?

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I skated comfortably in a stealth skate size 9D(shoe size 11).

interesting - I'm 10.5-11 shoe size but my big toe pushes the toe cup in 9.5 1500c, so there's no chance I could fit into 9...

When was LS2 introduced? Do XXX come with LS or LS2 holder?

The LS was introduced with the Vapor XX skate. Due to some problems with the scalloped shape on the bottom of the holder and inferior steel the LS2 was offered toward the end of the Vapor XX run, if my memory serves me correctly.

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I wear a 7.5EE in a vapor XXX and i am just wondering if a 8W in a 1500C be to big, to small or the same. Any info please. oggy_3

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you may not have to get a wide skate if your making the jump to eastons. I would try skates on though, unless your really in a bad area for hockey shops.

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all my local shops dont have the skates in the right size, i guess all have to go with the feeling of a 1300C size 7R at the shop i work with unless does someone know the difference between the 1300c and 1500c

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all my local shops dont have the skates in the right size, i guess all have to go with the feeling of a 1300C size 7R at the shop i work with unless does someone know the difference between the 1300c and 1500c

for what it's worth I think Easton is fairly consistent at least in regular sizes: I tried 9.5R in both 1500C, S15 & 1300C - sizing was exactly the same lenght & width wise.

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I dont think using the Vapor XXX series is a good measuring stick for the current run of the Vapor XXXX type skate. The newer Vapors have more volume han the older Vapors. I find the Eastons to be wide but shallow. I believe the new Vapor XXXX and its variants (XXV) and so on fit more people than previous Vapor lines.

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