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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sakic/Draper clone ?!?

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Any of these players have a Sakic/Draper clone ?












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again and again...

Sakic - Easton,

Similar to P92 - NBH

Rafalksi - mission,

Close to CCMs lemieux

Draper - Warrior

Nash - TPS

BTW hit the search or Pattern DB on top...

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One curve not listed in the pattern DB is the a NBH Staal. I think it was a P 91A. At a quick glance it looked nice. Mid curve and quite open.

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He's talking pro stock fellas. I'm assuming that he's looking at either the Warrior PS blades on Hockey Monkey or the Mission PS blades. If that's the case, take a look in the threads: "Warrior Pro stock blades" "Mission Pro stock blades".

Edit: Li7039 beat me to it.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember that the Schaefer curve is nothing like a retail curve, from this planet anyway. Pretty sure pictures have been posted in other threads.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but I seem to remember that the Schaefer curve is nothing like a retail curve, from this planet anyway. Pretty sure pictures have been posted in other threads.

Pretty sure Schaefer is relatively straight with a toe curve.

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One curve not listed in the pattern DB is the a NBH Staal. I think it was a P 91A. At a quick glance it looked nice. Mid curve and quite open.

The P91A is a heel curve.

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One curve not listed in the pattern DB is the a NBH Staal. I think it was a P 91A. At a quick glance it looked nice. Mid curve and quite open.

The P91A is a heel curve.

P91A is a true Drury clone. A P91 is a curve of its own basically. I believe the P91 has more curve then the "A".

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He's talking pro stock fellas. I'm assuming that he's looking at either the Warrior PS blades on Hockey Monkey or the Mission PS blades. If that's the case, take a look in the threads: "Warrior Pro stock blades" "Mission Pro stock blades".

Edit: Li7039 beat me to it.

Exactly ! Draper has been sold out here . So i saw the sweet price of the prostocks on hockey monckey .

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One curve not listed in the pattern DB is the a NBH Staal. I think it was a P 91A. At a quick glance it looked nice. Mid curve and quite open.

The P91A is a heel curve.

P91A is a true Drury clone. A P91 is a curve of its own basically. I believe the P91 has more curve then the "A".

I'm pretty sure the only difference between the two is the lie. P91A having a 5/5.5 and P91 a 6/6.5, unless they have changed it recently.

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