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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Release Dates

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Of the new skates/equipment coming out, what is the last estimated date of shipment? I need new skates, and want to make a single trip to try out all the new stuff in one sitting. Does each company I.E. NBH ship All of their products on one date or do they ship skates/helmets/sticks on separate dates?

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Of the new skates/equipment coming out, what is the last estimated date of shipment? I need new skates, and want to make a single trip to try out all the new stuff in one sitting. Does each company I.E. NBH ship All of their products on one date or do they ship skates/helmets/sticks on separate dates?

Ship dates will vary from store to store depending on when they got their orders in. These booking orders are huge and impossible to ship complete. Things rarely show up together all at once, I.E. all of your skates might show up in 3 or 4 shipments. At the very latest most places will have their orders received in full by August with many of the bigger dealers being well before that.

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I'm specifically looking for the 9500 bucket, and also the U+ and One95 skates. I'm also planning on having a look at the OneX5 Goalie skates as well. I'm coming out of original 1052 10D/A which I feel are too long, but I also fit better in a pair of Bauer Supreme 3000 Goalie Skates 8.5EE. Any suggestions? I'm thinking the U+ in about a 9EE is going to be the key, but I want to give every manuf. a fair shot at pleasing my feet.

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I Hope not.. but where I need it the Most is in the Toes...My pinky toes have a brutal history of not liking the area of where the toecap meets the quarters. I also plan on giving the Flexxlites a try just for that reason alone. But we'll see if the others can overcome that problem. I'd rather stay away from the S15.. but I might give the SE16 a shot too.

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Hey Wex, what's your size? I have some Flexlite 18's in a 7.5D... I'm also looking to blow my tax stim. $$ on new skates. Hopefully, my local shop has Mission Fuel AGX in by then.

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I'm coming out of original 1052 10D/A which I feel are too long, but I also fit better in a pair of Bauer Supreme 3000 Goalie Skates 8.5EE. Any suggestions? I'm thinking the U+ in about a 9EE is going to be the key

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no prob...you've gone through 9 and 5K's right? Your synopsis? Might also try 9K's old black and/or white and new if in stock.

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5K Pumps were nice, but a little on the soft side for me. I'm about 5'11", 265 and they felt like they were going to just fall right off of me. The 9K is a nice skate, nice and stiff, felt way more responsive than the 5K. Only issue with me was depth. If I had a normal foot/ankle, I would still be in them.

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