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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fitting

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Hey I need someone to basically tell me what skates will fit me volume and width wise. I know alot of people on these boards are very intelligent with skate fitting. Thank you.

Skates i've used

bauer vapor VIII size 10d

easton stealth 7 - size 9d

currently, vapor xxx size 8.5d (lace bite like a bitch)








Right Foot

Length- 10 5/8 inches

Heel width - 2 1/4 inches

width - 3 3/4 inches

Left Foot

Length - 10 3/4 inches

heel width - 3 1/8 inches

width - 3 3/4 inches

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i take it that the vapor XXX problems didnt correct themselves?

thats unfortunate

graf 709

mission AGX

kor shift 1 shift 2

nike flexlite 18

all of these will give you the depth that you seemed to be missing with the vapor XXX, i have had great success fitting people with deeper feet into kor's recently, and i have heard nothing but good things from them!

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i take it that the vapor XXX problems didnt correct themselves?

thats unfortunate

graf 709

mission AGX

kor shift 1 shift 2

nike flexlite 18

all of these will give you the depth that you seemed to be missing with the vapor XXX, i have had great success fitting people with deeper feet into kor's recently, and i have heard nothing but good things from them!

would the graf g9 also work ?

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G9 = same fit as 709, so yes.

Ultra G70 may also do the trick, but isn't quite as deep as 709/G9. then again, the heel on the G70 is narrower, so that may benefit you as well.

Is there that much of a discrepancy between the width of your left heel vs your right heel? The tracings look to be almost two completely different feet.

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In addition to the skates already listed, I'd like to ad RBK 9K and CCM Vector's. Try on as many different makes/models as possible. Chanses are one will fit you significantly better than the rest.

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G9 = same fit as 709, so yes.

Ultra G70 may also do the trick, but isn't quite as deep as 709/G9. then again, the heel on the G70 is narrower, so that may benefit you as well.

Is there that much of a discrepancy between the width of your left heel vs your right heel? The tracings look to be almost two completely different feet.

actually i'm just a shitty tracer. my feet are pretty alike.

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G9 = same fit as 709, so yes.

Ultra G70 may also do the trick, but isn't quite as deep as 709/G9. then again, the heel on the G70 is narrower, so that may benefit you as well.

Is there that much of a discrepancy between the width of your left heel vs your right heel? The tracings look to be almost two completely different feet.

actually i'm just a shitty tracer. my feet are pretty alike.

If you're an admittedly shitty tracer, then odds are that neither tracing is representative of your foot. Also, it'd be one thing if you were trying to figure out the size you need in a particular skate, but to ask what skate you need based off these tracings/pictures is a waste of time.

So far you've received 11 different skate recommendations. Unless you're planning on making a decision via dart throwing, blind finger pointing or some other act of chance, then you need to go and try on some skates in person.

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Can I ask why people bother posting pictures of their feet anyway? I don't see how it's going to help online. The trace has to be the only mildly helpful aspect other than actually measuring the foot in person.

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Can I ask why people bother posting pictures of their feet anyway? I don't see how it's going to help online. The trace has to be the only mildly helpful aspect other than actually measuring the foot in person.


If people want to be improperly sized, post a photo of your tracing. Try ordering customs with an e-mail photo of your tracing. No chance. A tracing also doesn't show how your foot fills out a boot. If you looked at my tracing, you would guess maybe an 11 Regular or even Wide. I wear a 10.5 narrow. So instead of wasting your time posting photos of your foot or tracing, go see a good skate fitter. Trying on skates is the only way to see if the length and volume is proper.

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Grrgh...that seems to become a new ugly behavior on MSH to show each ones crumpled feet and ask for fitting...seems this theme makes itself independent with some cheap mobile-phone-pix...or is it just me...!

I mean sorry....I was always respectfully scared to ask for sizing like...i had a skate xxx in size yyy, so can I go zzz in aaa?? but this is like publishing pictures of my fff...ex girl and asking why she doesn't fit/work...or what else.

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ok. well the closest place is an hour and a half away. I thought i'd kill some time and maybe make it easier on mysefl. sorry to piss everyone off. :unsure:

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Not pissed off. Just telling you it is not a good method of fitting. I could fit you this way, but they might not fit properly. Then you would be mad.

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You need to take your time. If you find a skate you think is right, lace it up, kick your heels back so they are set. Then walk around on them for a while. Take the time to find the proper skate.

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