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Supreme 70 Pants

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Hi, from what I've read here, it seems that many people recommend the One90 pants. How about the Supreme 70s? Are they equally good and and mobile as the One90s other than the less dense padding or is the One90s really worth the extra $40? Thank you in advance for any feedback!

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It depends what level of hockey you play. If you are into serious contact hockey get the One/90 you'll be glad you have the extra protection. If you're just playing pickup of semi-contact the 70 will be fine.

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The supreme70s are great, I used them for 1 season now! I never saw the one90s in person (but the older 8000s!) but i think the only difference is grip print, adjustable spine pad and velcro patches (in europe)

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The Supreme 70'z have slightly lighter padding and miss a few of the bells and whistles of the One/90 but that is essentially it. A good pant for light contact and slightly less serious hockey.

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I absolutely love these pants. Coming from Easton S5's, I find them more mobile and I dont feel them on my body because they are so light. The protection is great and I really dont have anything to complain about them so far except the spine protector makes me tuck my jersey in the back no matter what, but thats just a pet peeve of mine. Hope this helped.

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