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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate Fit Help

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I was wondering if some of the more knowledgeable skate fitting people on here could recommend a skate that would fit me.

I currently wear Vector 10.0's in a size 9.5 D. My shoe size is 11.

I have had pain in these skates ever since I purchased them. I get cramps due to a pressure spot on the outside of my foot about 2 inches from my heel (the little "knob" that sticks out). I also have some toe rubbing and my heel slips. Overall, these skates just don't seem to fit right.

What skate would fit me better than my 10.0's? Would a RBK 9k pump help with the heel slipping? Maybe in an E width? What about Graf?

Let me know if you need more info to make a good recommendation.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

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You sound really far off from a correct fitting skate. I'd go and try some on. Don't even bother trying the RBKs on if you have heel slippage in vectors.

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What TBLfan says. RBK heel is wider, pump won't make up the difference.

Graf makes a lot of different models, all designed for a specific foot. I speak from experience when I say don't buy any Graf skate without trying it on first, ideally from a shop that carries a lot of Graf models so you can pick the best one. What other skates have you had on your feet.

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If your heel is slipping in a Vector 10 you likely have a narrow foot. How was the forefoot/toebox on the Vectors? Was your toe rubbing on the side or the end? Maybe try on a Bauer skate.

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Not supreme 30/50/70 either. MAYBE Vapor, MAYBE one90, maybe mission. Eastons are going to be too wide, so are flexlites, RBKs, and Supreme 30/50/70.

Ok, I don't approve of Graf but I might as well mention it. Graf 703 might work.

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yes but you're better off just trying skates on. I will NOT tell you a specific model of skate and/or size. Go to a shop and try them on. Buy what feels best, get them baked and sharpened. You'll be on the ice and happy in no time.

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I know I should just go try some skates on (and I will do that) but I just have another quick question. Are there any particular measurements that make your foot "wide" or "narrow" in different places? Thanks.

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it's purely dependent on which skates you're looking at. I'm barely in a D width vapor but in mission I'd need a EE, just one example.

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it's purely dependent on which skates you're looking at. I'm barely in a D width vapor but in mission I'd need a EE, just one example.

I've never understood why companies skates fit so differently in width and length. D should be close to D, E to E, EE to EE and so on. :blink:

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Because the skate mfg's have never agreed on a standardized measuring system.

same with most clothing or steet shoes.

I know. Why even have sizes and widths then? I guess as a starting point. Still crazy though.

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I've also been going crazy with all these sizing differences. I've been wanting to purchase a skate for some time now but don't have a LHS around me to try a pair. I do have a pair of short track ice skates and was wondering if i could use them as a reference. They're mens 7 or 39 in euro size (made by bont). when i entered those numbers into giant hockey's size finder...i found out i had to get the largest junior skates 5-5.5 (ccm/reebok). My exact feet measurements are 25cm in length and 10.5cm wide. I have pretty small feet for my size (5'7" @140lbs) but my feet are freaking 4"s wide (i blame tennis and bball) so I don't know if a 5.5E Junior size will cut it for me. I was looking to get either ccm or reebok...heard they were wide or i could have heard wrong. any advice would be great.

Edit: nvm...found sizing charts on reebok's main website. gotta grab a kiddy size :T

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