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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new grafs

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Just got my first pair of grafs, and when i was skating on them for the first time i really noticed the difference in the aggressive pitch, it was funny skating on them, but for some reason every time i stopped, it was very choppy (the skate would grab the ice, then release, then grab, etc.) i have played hockey all my life and i am a experienced skater, and have never had this problem, so i was wondering if i should change the holders, or is this something that i will fix by skating on them more?

Any help would be great.

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  fultonreed said:

are you skating on factory edges?

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dont really know what you mean by factory edges, but i bought the skate and got it sharpened at tuxedo, so everything is stock (cobra 3000 holders)

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You could get ride of that forward pitch by having them contoured. Only problem is that you will probably have a very hard time getting them contoured to match how your last skates felt. Another option is swapping in some TUUK C+ holders. I love the feel of the C+ holders, so I would recommend them. Maybe you could swap out the new holders for a new set of whatever was on your last skates, then reuse the steel from your last skates. I just got new Bauer skates. They came with TUUK LS2 holders and steel. Rather than struggling to get them rocked to match my Bauer 7000's that were on TUUK C+ I just had the shop put new C+ holders on my new skates and I took the steel out of the old and put it in the new.

That choppiness might be a result of your skates being too sharp. You are probably having a tough time determining the right amount of pressure you need to put down to stop smoothly.

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  tsanga said:

Sounds like hollow might be too deep.

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This might be the easiest variable to test. Ask them what they sharpened them at last time and take it down an 1/16 (or to what you used to have your blades sharpened at).

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maybe take a look at blade alignment, i had a similar problem on my grafs after using them for over a year, and it turned out the blade was offset.

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  bbruins8 said:

It's getting used to the pitch. I experienced the same thing when I got my first pair of Grafs. Give it a few more skates.

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same here although mine was a combo of first time in grafs and them being too sharp.

Funny story got them brand new and got them sharpened guy never told me he was sharpening them or anything just came out and I asked him if he sharped them and he said yeah. First skate at open hockey went to stop as I was going to throw my extra stick on the bench. Woosh right on my ass.

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Choppiness in stopping is depth of hollow. My kid just went from Vapor 40s to Vapor 40s...smae thing happened. Store sharpened them at 3/8. He is usually at 5/8.

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same thing happened when i skated in my g5 ultras for the first time. it's probably just the pitch because by towards the end of the second skate, stopping was more or less the same for me as it was in my 800c's.

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Same problem with my new grafs, it was definitely the sharpening. I felt the forward pitch but it was way too deep. And it kept chopping.

But get a few more sharpening first, if that doesn't help try a different hollow.

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haha i had the same problem Shawn. It just takes a little bit of getting used to. give it some time and you'll REALLY love your grafs.

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