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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer One 90 Custom in the oven ?

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I will pack my one90 custom in the oven .Because the wide of the skate is now no perfekt.Has anyone of you a idea ???

thanks nils

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Hey, Nils. I think your translation may be a bit off. I think what you're saying is that you have a pair of Custom one90's but the width isn't perfect.

Are you asking if you can bake them and if by putting in the oven will you be able to address the width issues? If this is the nature of your question my guess is that the answer would depend on how the width is off (too wide, too narrow, where abouts it is off, and how significantly it is off).

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My one90's (not custom) were a bit tight on the outside of my right foot. Once I baked them they seemed to open up enough that they fit perfect now. I'm not sure that they got much wider but it made enough of a difference for me.

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yes a bake should help the width - Do you feel the "tightness" on any one side of your foot. That is, the inside of foot near arch?, or is it the outside of your foot near small toe?

Because for me, I had some trouble with "tightness" of width - and I put some "duct tape" on the side of my foot - maybe 5 or 6 strips to make my foot "appear" wider. Then I put a couple socks on, put my foot in the skate and used a blow dryer to soften that area of the boot up a bit. Then let the skate "cool" down and the skate will actually be a little wider....it help me.

Not sure if you can get a full width out of it, that is go from D to EE but it helps problem areas....

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