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Any hockey players with Diabetes? need help please

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Hey guys wondering if anyone here can help me out..... i have a friend who was just recently diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes, and she's having a tough time adjusting to keeping her blood sugar levels in check while playing hockey, and is looking for someone to talk to that can relate and give her some tips. Any help is greatly appreciated, my email address is fordprober@hotmail.com thanks in advance!


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Research Nick Boynton, he's been playing with diabetes since around the time he was drafted.

well i was thinking of maybe people on this forum, but i will definitely see if we can somehow get in contact with him, thanks :)

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If you google him then you should find plenty of info. He has been very active in diabetes education and the like since he was diagnosed.

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There was a guy that used to play division 1 football. His diabetes was severe enough he had to check his sugar something like 7-10 times a game while on the sideline. If it can be done in division 1 football it can pretty much be done anywhere.

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There was a guy that used to play division 1 football. His diabetes was severe enough he had to check his sugar something like 7-10 times a game while on the sideline. If it can be done in division 1 football it can pretty much be done anywhere.

yea we know its possible, she just wants someone who "can relate" that she can talk to basically...... its just all new and different to her right now.

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Bobby Clarke was diabetic. I remember reading that he would drink a bottle of Coke before games. Having said that, I have no idea if that is sound medical practice, and recommend that instead of seeking medical advice on a web forum, that she speak to her doctor.

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Bobby Clarke was diabetic. I remember reading that he would drink a bottle of Coke before games. Having said that, I have no idea if that is sound medical practice, and recommend that instead of seeking medical advice on a web forum, that she speak to her doctor.

trust me she has spoken to a doctor numerous times, and is very thorough with checking herself / reading up on things. she's not seeking "medical advice", she just wants someone to talk to who can relate, and this being a HOCKEY forum, i figured this would be a good place to look for someone.

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if you have any questions about it, PM me. I have type 1 diabetes, and played with it for the better part of 10 years or so. id be happy to help

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Just another resource...


been playing the game with type 1 since iwas 12, 21 now. keep that sugar around or at 200 (too high will dehydrate you incredibly fast) and bring a water to drink when feeling fine, gatorade for when youre feeling that low blood sugar coming. blood tests at the intermissions are nice, but i never did them, just a post hockey blood test. also remember that if youre playing in late night adult league games, the exercise will carry over when you go to bed so your blood sugar levels will likely keep crashing, have left me with very scary middle of the night experiences. best of luck!


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My kid played juniors with a kid who had bad diabetes. He did fine, except when he got injured. Sometimes he was out with bad bruises that had trouble healing. In a female league with no checking, she should do better.

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