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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Shanahan curve

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Does anyone the specs on the curve Brendan Shanahan uses? Is it the same as the retail version that Easton used to make or is it differnt, any details or pics would be appreciated

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That doesn't look like any of the woodies I've seen

Plus he went straight from Easton Aluminums with wood blades to Warrior Dolomites. Haven't seen him recently with the Rags, though I'd assume he'd be in a XXXX, not a XXX-lite.

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Chadd wasn't talking about the retail Shanny.
Pro stock Shanny very different from Easton retail/Bauer P10

Pro stock shanny from eastwesthockey.com

Looks nothing like a retail Shanahan/P10.

Plus he went straight from Easton Aluminums with wood blades to Warrior Dolomites. Haven't seen him recently with the Rags, though I'd assume he'd be in a XXXX, not a XXX-lite.

Could be he tried these out and liked the Warriors better.

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