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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor XXXX Toe Cap Issue

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Just yesterday as i took off my skates after shinny, i noticed that there was quite the gap on the side of my skate. It's right where the toe cap gets stitched to the rest of the boot. Took it to the local shop to have it looked at and was told there wasnt much they could do to repair it.

Is the toe cap really stitched to the boot?

Has anyone else experienced this problem? Help please...

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there is a some similar seperation on one of my one90's, once the seperation occured it stopped and has yet to seperate any futher.

same answer, nothing they could do about it

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yea same with the Vapor XXV's...if you take a small mirror and a flashlight you can actually see the stiching, that fastens the toe cap to the boot, if you pull the tounge all the way back.

And you can also feel a protrusion of some plastic and material that for me is causing Big Toe issues - I had it punched once already....

LHS told me they had many issues like this for Vapor 20's and 30's - and thought NBH got it right for 25's and 40's - but apparently still an issue.

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