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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What do you do to get back in shape

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well nothing gets in you shape other than time...

Sprinting also burns a lot of fat.

not true..sprinting will have you go anaerobic early..and force your body to improve oxygen consumption...but you only burn fat efficently when you teach it to..and that includes a lot of aerobic/base work..in a program like that you need a heart rate monitor and finding your AT, then working significantly below it for a base period..ie.the 3 months you just sat on the couch..

that being said, if you need short term gains, then intervals are your best bet...

no more than 2x a week though..do some easy runs...(ie. a pace you can carry a conversation at easily..) for at least 20 min to get any aerobic benefits....

you should be looking at in the beginning of doing probably 6-8 200m sprints with full recovery inbetween the first week..2nd week of 8 200m sprints with a walk 200m jog 100m recovery....3rd week up it to 10 with a walk 100 jog 100 recovery..

week 4..go up to 400m.do. 6, first week with a walk 300/jog 100 recovery..then move to a recovery of 200/200 in the future..

once the season starts though..depending on how much you skate..and the types of practices you have..you really want to work on the aerobic side..maintenance runs,etc..vary them though..should have some longer easy runs with some more midpaced 9but not all out efforts..ie..a 25 min run..at a brisk pace with 2-3 short 1min burts in there..(not sprints..just enough to put you on the edge...while hockey can be decidedly anaerobic, having a diesel of an aerobic system will help you recover much faster..a guy like Armstrong has a huge engine..but he's trained his aerobic system to be much more efficent over the past 7-8 years..and its a big reason why he wins a 22 days stage race...g

Why would you show up to a tryout out of shape though?? is there no competition where you live?

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Why would you show up to a tryout out of shape though?? is there no competition where you live?

u do have a point. all summer alls i did was sleep eat and play videogames and sleep.

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