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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Looking to slow my kids blades down

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I picked up a pair of these:


The wheels are 68mm with 59mm on the front. The hardness is 82a.

He can skate on carpet but as soon as he steps on a smooth hard surface the skate just take off from under him. Any recommendations? Maybe softer wheels? im looking for recommendation's as I am not a roller guy.

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im assuming hes a little guy (i cant click the link at work) but an 82a wheels is going to be way too hard for a smooth surface, im not sure how people judge wheel harness for polished concrete becasue i have never played on it but if he is playing indoor he is going to need a 72a or softer. 82a is like a street wheel.

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I picked up a pair of these:


The wheels are 68mm with 59mm on the front. The hardness is 82a.

He can skate on carpet but as soon as he steps on a smooth hard surface the skate just take off from under him. Any recommendations? Maybe softer wheels? im looking for recommendation's as I am not a roller guy.

Doesn't sound like a wheel hardness question, though the wheels are too hard for most surfaces.

If he's actually learning to skate right now, and needs more wheel resistance to stand up, you can take a thin plastic bag and string it through the frame above the top of the wheels. They will still turn on hard surfaces but give him something to stand on while he figures out his balance.

I did this with my kids when they were learning to skate in our house which had lots of hardwood floors. It only took a couple of days before they pulled the baggies out.

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Are you saying that he'll be skating on carpet and then still keep skating onto the smooth surface? If this is the case then that's why he's falling. There's a ton of resistance on the carpet and 0 on the smooth floor.

If he's just starting on a smooth surface and can't even stand up then that just sounds like he needs more practice and someone to hold his hand while he learns.

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Get some old bearings that are rusty and barely move. That way he/she will shuffle along and not get caught out by the quickness of new bearings. We are doing this right now with my god son who is learning to skate at the age of 3.

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Here's what I would do,

Get some older bearings (good condition) and oil them with golden syrup or something ever so slightly gloopy, they bearings won't be as fast, but they'll still give the same amount of resistance on the floor which'll be consistant, it might be an idea worth experimenting with?

Just a thought :-)

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