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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Kettlebells melt fat without the dishonor of dieting or aerobics.

Oh, the dishonor of cardiovascular exercise. Many are the stories of samurai committing seppuku for the dishonor of maintaining an elevated heart rate.

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I train with a 16kg kettlebell

nNrmal weight training cannot compare to using a kettlebell except if you're doing olympic lifts. I had been lifting since highschool football into my mid 20's now and when I first picked up the kettlebell it was very different.

The kettlebell is for sure a total workout when done correctly (i stress done correctly)

It taxes your cardio system and also your muscles. The best thing about the KB is that you're focused on the amount of "work" you can do . An excellent example is KB swings. You would think that swinging the KB between your legs with 16kg would be no problem for heavy lifters that can bench XXX amount of weight or squat XXX amount. Well, I couldn't even do a continuous swing at first for 1 minute, and most people who train with the KB swing for 5+ mins. =()I just went all out and died =( It's all about active ATP recovery...and what I said before about "work".

I've recently began the 300 rep circuit (please do not confuse this with the 300 movie) which is a total body work out.

the order in which you do the work out is as follows:

For 1 to 17 you do either 10 reps if you use both arms or 10 reps per arm if you require each arm to do the exercise individually.

Finishing with 40 Pushups on the KB (#18)

1. Around The Body Pass

2. Halo

3. Good Morning

4. Windmill

5. One Arm Swing

6. Swing High Pull

7. Snatch

8. Clean & Press

9. Circular Clean

10. Squat Press Combination

11. Cossack Curl

12. Reverse Lunge & Press

13. Deck Squat

14. Reverse Turkish Get-Up

15. Suitcase Row

16. Crush Press Situp

17. Russian Twist

18. Pushups on the KB

Takes me a good 40 minutes to complete, only rule is you never put the KB down, you can rest if you need to but the KB cannot touch the ground.

I'm completely drenched in sweat after I finish my workout.

Lastly, the KB develops crazy grip strength because of the way the weight is positioned and also due to the thickness of the KB's handle.

I highly recommend KB circuits as a add-on to your workouts. The KB will never replace cardio (ie running,swimming, biking) nor will it replace the good olympic lifts, but I think it's a great supplement to anyone's workout plan that they already have in place. I find that I only do olympic lifts at the gym now, no more isolation movements (ie bicep curls) because I'm more interested in developing functional muscle vs beach body (although if you eat healthy and exercise with or without the KB you'll get the beach body regardless :P)

Hopefully when I save a little more I can get 2 more KBs so then I will have:

1)A light one for KB juggling(hand speed,reaction time,reflex training,coordination)

2) Meduim weight for the normal KB excercises,rehabilitation,,strength, endurance and combat training

3) Heavy for mass and power.

Please note I don't sell KBs or anything so I'm not trying to push a product on anyone here, just wanted to share my thoughts on it. I got my KB from this site http://canadiankettlebells.ca/ they're local in Coquitlam for those BC people. Again I do not work for them or anything, just giving info if anyone was interested.

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