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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I thought it was pretty cool, but I guess its just me.

I found it entertaining as well..........but for all the wrong reasons. Though I do like crossover story lines, I thought this one had much potential for cool points.

The predators looked a little more tricked out than the original predator.

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I hate Paul W. Anderson (The director of AVP). He took my two favorite movie franchises of all time, and well guess what, he ****ed it up. I got what I wanted out of the movie, entertainment but I didn't leave satisfied because it wasn't what I expected. The plot/story was so utterly retarded. Here are two things right off the top that you should ask yourself: 1) They are in Antarctica and they are running around in parkas without face masks in sub zero temperatures and not to mention, the wind chill.

2) Why do they need guns on a science expedition to a pyramid on the ice? Do you think that they were expecting super polar bears?

They better get someone like James Cameron to take over again.. he is the only one that can save the franchise now.

Paul W. Anderson stated that you would be hard pressed to find someone that had read the comic books and to find someone that had seen the movies as many times as he. This is obviously a lie because I, a 17 year old boy, could make a better plot and story then him. If he would have sat on his ass and played the AVP games for about 60 hours then he wouldn't have been retarded.

The predators in this movie were pretty cool. I think it was a good idea to have that other mask and stuff but when the main predator took his mask off to reveal his face, he looked like a faggot. The predator wasn't 10 feet tall, he was 7'1 and is played by an x professional basketball player. Paul W. Anderson looked at AVP and saw how HE wanted to make it, not the way it should be. The face of the Predator in the first Predator was good enough.

About the Predator and the humans teaming up, that was weak. (Warning sarcasm is coming-->) We now know that the Predator is an alien life form that isn't out there to hunt prey as the most elite life form in the universe, rather he is a lonely alien that needs friends like that black girl, Alexa Wood. The fruit cake Paul W. Anderson made it look like they were gonna kiss at one point.

I highly suggest that if he wants to try a AVP 2 that he had better do a little more research, come up with a better story and then before directing, writing, or thinking about this movie, not drink a 40 oz and pop a few speed pills.

Dear Paul W. Anderson, you suck.

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Dexy, you are exactly right. But you forgot to add how the Alexa Wood could somehow run as fast and jump as high as the Predator. And don't forget how the alien's blood could scorch through concrete yet somehow her paper thin parka took forever to burn through. :rolleyes:

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Also, don't forget that not only were they not wearing facemasks, but you couldn't see anyone's breath!!! WTH?!?

That movie was top-10 bad...

It's an hour and a half I'll never get back... If they'da cut the movie down to *only* the 30 second fight between the alien and the predator it would have been decent...

man that was the worst dialogue/acting/writing/direction I've seen in a LONG time...

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I haven't seen it and don't plan on it. I'm not very educated on either of the two characters as I'm not into Alienish movies. However these are supposed to be two of the scariest and potentially dangerous things ever created......yet have a PG13 rating? You had to suspect it'd be awful. It's like Freddy Vs. Jason, I had more fun watching the drunks beside me puke than the actual movie.

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My brother and I are trying to regenerate the fact that the Alien and Predator franchises are actually still okay as we are watching "Aliens" right now. Good Sigourney weaver is dreaming about the damn Alien pop out of her chest.

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