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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Synergy 1500 Shock Doctor Insole help

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Just the other day I picked up a pair of 1500's, and I have a question.

With the skate I fell a pinch in the top of my foot, around the 4th and 5th eyelet. All Easton skates I have owned in the past (z-air comp, synergy 700) have had no problems depth wise, but now I do.

I discovered that the insole is extremely thick, taking up my much needed depth. Would I be able to use my old stock insole from 700, with success?

My other concern is when I take the insole out; there are 2 big holes where the top of the holder is attached to the boot, for drainage. Would a thin insole collapse into the hole when skating?


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have you tried the insoles from your old skates and put them in the 1500c? Also have you done the pencil test? if not you should give it a shot it might be because you fail the pencil test you get a little pinch.. As far as for drainage i dont think so either because the hole is pretty tiny..someone can answer that one.

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pair of superfeet work great in those skates. i have seen numerous people fail pencil tests miserably in those skates,change footbeds and have the skate fit beautifully. you wont have the insole collapse into that dry flow slot.

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Thanks schrempsky, i have a normal foot so i dont need any fancy style of insole, which superfeet should i go with.

BTW why on earth would Easton put such a thick insole in their skate, knowing it will compromise depth?

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they have placed a 5mm heel lift in that footbed. thats why its so thick

alot of people go with the thicker blue superfeet which are normally intended for athletic shoes. however i have found that the standard greys work great. thas what i have in my eastons

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I have a pair of 1200C with the same shock doctor footbed. I did not like the feel and threw in a pair of grey superfeet. Didn't think twice after that..they feel great.

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Some 1500Cs have the ShockDoctor footbed; while others have the Easton footbed with composite and heel lift. But as for the holes in the boot, there are three: the smallest/middle for "drainage", and two for the holder towers to allow access to runner hardware (if you have something like Tuuks mounted). Any footbed will 'smush' into the access holes a little, but I wouldn't worry since your foot isn't likely to fall through.

I stuck with gray Superfeet in my 1500Cs. They take up some volume and trap a lot of water, but they keep my ankles from rolling in and grinding against the boot. I kept the Razor Bladz, but had to dial back the pitch to make it feel more like Custom+.

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Thanks for you help Lester,

I tried the skates on with my old regular stock insole and got the depth i needed, but when standing up i can feel my heels sinking a bit into the access hole. I plan on covering those holes with an old gift card cut in half. I think the superfeet would compromise too much volume, and cause me foot pain.

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Thanks for you help Lester,

I tried the skates on with my old regular stock insole and got the depth i needed, but when standing up i can feel my heels sinking a bit into the access hole. I plan on covering those holes with an old gift card cut in half. I think the superfeet would compromise too much volume, and cause me foot pain.

strangely enough 1500C with regular insole wasn't bad for me, but your're bang on with your comment re "superfeet would compromise too much volume" - that's exactly what happened with me when I put Superfeet into XXXX...

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